Simple Strategies to Prioritise Your Well-Being Every Day
Being a mom is a full-time job, and finding time for yourself can feel impossible. Though you must not forget that self-care is important. It’s the only way you can keep your energy and sanity intact. Here are some tips to help you take out some "me time" amidst the chaos.
Set Up a Calming Morning Routine
Start your day with a calming morning routine. Waking up 30 minutes before the kids to enjoy a quiet cup of tea or coffee can set a positive tone for the day. Use this time to meditate, journal, or simply breathe and relax.
Use Nap Times Effectively
Nap times are goldmines for self-care. We understand work is important but instead of rushing to do chores, take this time for yourself. Whether it’s a quick 30 minute nap, or reading a book, or practising a hobby. Using nap time for personal relaxation can help you recharge yourself.
Create Small Daily Rituals
One must incorporate small self-care rituals into their daily routine. This could be a 5-minute skincare routine, listening to your favourite podcast while cooking, or a short 15 minute walk around the block. These small breaks from your everyday routine can help you feel more centred and less overwhelmed.
Schedule Regular Breaks
Schedule regular breaks and talk to your partner or family about your need for “me time.” Whether it’s a weekly yoga class, a monthly coffee date with friends, or a solo outing, planning these breaks ensures you get time to recharge.
Simplify Meal Times
Don’t over stress! Give yourself permission to simplify meals occasionally. It’s okay to order in or prepare simple, healthy meals that don’t require much effort. This will help you get some free time and reduce the stress of meal prep.
Connect with Supportive Friends
You know what is a great source of comfort? Having a support network of friends who understand the demands of motherhood. Plan regular catch-ups, whether in person or via video calls. Vent out your emotions, share your experiences.
Plan a Monthly Treat
Self indulgence is great when done right. Treat yourself to something special every month. This could be a spa day, a new book, or a lunch date with yourself. Trust us when we say this, planning these treats will give you something to look forward to and this will help you maintain your well-being.
Be Kind to Yourself
Most importantly , remember to be kind to yourself. Motherhood is demanding, and it’s okay to take breaks and ask for help. Prioritising self-care is not selfish; it’s necessary to be the best mom you can be.
So, take charge of your well-being and make self-care a priority!